By car
GPS coordinates :
Latitude: 48.0416899 / Longitude: 0.3035124
"La Ragotterie" 72530 Yvré l’Evêque
Coming from Le Mans:
Travel in the direction of Orléans - Chartres
At the 1st roundabout, follow signs for Chartres
At the 2nd roundabout, follow signs for Parence
At the 3rd roundabout, follow signs for Parence
Once in Parence, turn left at the intersection
From the highway:
On Highway A 28, exit no. 23
At the 1st roundabout, follow signs for Yvré L'Evêque - D 314
At the 2nd roundabout, turn right, D20 b - Parence
At the 3rd roundabout, turn left, D91 b - Parence
Once in Parence, turn left, D91
Continue on for 500 m, and then turn left
We also have an electric charging station.